Why do we collect your personal data and what do we do with it?

When you supply your personal details to this clinic the records are stored and processed for 4 reasons (the words in bold are the relevant legal terms used in the General Data Protection Regulations (1) which took effect on 25th May 2018).


  1. We need to collect personal information about you and your health in order to provide you with the best possible treatment. Your request for treatment and our agreement to provide care (treatment) constitutes a contract. You can, of course, choose not to provide the information. If you were to choose not to provide the information necessary however, we would not be able to provide care.
  2. We have a “Legitimate Interest” in collecting information about you. Without the information we would not be able to carry out our job effectively and safely.
  3. It is our opinion that it is important for your care, for us to be able to contact you in order to confirm or change your appointments and to update you on matters relating to your care. Again, this constitutes “Legitimate Interest”, but this time it is in your legitimate interest.
  4. Provided that we have your consent we may occasionally send you A) general health information in the form of articles, advice, or newsletters. We also like to send B) a letter of thanks to you if you have recommended us to somebody you know and they have given us their consent to send a letter of thanks to you. If you have provided your consent for A) or B) above, you may withdraw this consent at any time through contacting us.


We have a legal obligation to retain your records for 8 years after your most recent appointment, or until the age of 25 if this is longer than 8 years. After this period your records can be deleted.


Your paper records are stored in locked filing cabinets. The building is locked out of working hours. Regarding letters and reports that are written and stored on computer, our computers are kept safe, password protected, and backed up regularly. Mobile telephones used for clinic purposes are also password protected.


We will not share your data with anyone unless we have first obtained your explicit consent, unless we are under obligation to do so. I, Alyson Standing am the only person with routine access to your data. There are times when we have to allow other persons access to your data (not your medical data). We will make sure that they are fully aware that they must treat the information as confidential and that they sign a non-disclosure agreement.


You have the right to see what personal data of yours we hold and you can ask us to correct any factual errors. Provided the legal minimum time period has elapsed, you can also ask us to erase your records.


We want you to be absolutely confident that we treat your personal data responsibly and that we do everything we can to make sure that the only people to access that data have a genuine need to do so. If you feel that we are mishandling your personal data in any way you have the right to complain. Complaints need to be sent to Alyson Standing, (the “Data Controller”), at:



Telephone: 01495 617488 Mobile: 07495 886870

Address: Oakbridge Chiropractic Clinic, 20 Victoria Terrace, Newbridge, Gwent, NP11 4ET


If you are not satisfied with my response you have the right to raise the matter with the

ICO- Information Commissioner’s Office



If you are unable to keep your appointment, please contact the clinic as soon as possible to give us as much notice as you can so that we may accommodate another patient in need of care.

We strictly require 24 hours’ notice for cancellation. We respectfully ask that you kindly pay the full fee for a missed appointment if you have given less than 24 hours’ notice.

The exception to this is if you develop symptoms of COVID 19 or another illness on the day of your appointment in which case please give as much notice as you possibly can. In these circumstances we respectfully request that you kindly pay the fee for your appointment if you inform us less than 2 hours before your appointment. 






Should you feel that you have reason for complaint during the course of your treatment, please contact your chiropractor straight away by phone or in writing so that the issue may be resolved for you as soon as possible. We appreciate your feedback as it helps us to improve the quality of our care. If you would like to speak with our professional association, please contact the: British Chiropractic Association: email: 03003020332

If you would like to speak with our profession’s statutory regulator, please contact the General Chiropractic Council: email: 020 7713 5155